Over the life of Facebook, I have had four accounts that just instantly disappeared. Each time it followed a debate with an known Atheist where I proved the idiocy of Atheism and exposed the particular atheist's false and driving psychology. This last account "Piano Butch" was suddenly scrubbed no warning, no notifications following my debate with the Anti-Christian - pretend anti-Islamist - Hollywood Producer, Eric Bell.
If you are interested in keeping touch with me on Facebook friend me at. http://www.facebook.com/archpriest.symeon
"Remember that life is neither pain nor pleasure; it is serious business, to be entered upon with courage and in a spirit of self-sacrifice," so said, Henry De Tocqueville, one of the fathers of the Free Enterprise System. Why would a father of "capitalism" talk about "self-sacrifice"?
As much as people want to paint our present national take down as a "leftist" enterprise, the conspiracy of Marxist Democrats, it was not. It was rather, a takeover by an Oligarchy of Amoral Capitalists, the thieves in charge of the largest concentrations of Capital on the planet.
This is why the NeoCons, who spout conservative political rhetoric of God, Country, Patriotism and Capitalism are so dangerous. They are the soldiers of the Ruling Elite, that same concentration of Amoral Capitalism that seek to place us all in DEBT SLAVERY, inside an international "COLLECTIVE," while they live by different rules, just like the Communist Party elite did in The Soviet Union. These people instead of "Living It Up in Moscow," have set the stage to "Live It Up" on an international scale. And they don't care how many human beings suffer or die, in the process. Their actions are amoral, above considerations of Good and Evil. This is not Free Enterprise. It is Corruption, Crony Capitalism, Amoral Capitalism, a system antithetical to our founding principles. It is Capital removed from the motivation of the well being of the majority of HUMAN BEINGS. It is rather a mechanism to ENSLAVE Human Beings. At present it is working through international organizations perpetrating a murderous and grand Malthusian scheme, that has already cost the lives of ONE Billion, SIX Hundred Million People in the last thirty years alone. (This statistic from population expert, Dr Wyman of Yale University) And contrary to the popular myth, this isn't the actions of Marxists, but organizations funded by Capitalists. THE IMF, The WORLD BANK, the AMERICAN FEDERAL GOVERNMENT and numerous NGOs. 1.6 billion abortions worldwide financed by capitalist. The most substantial cost of China's depopulation program is financed by Capitalist money from the WEST.
FREE ENTERPRISE exists only in connection with the actions of Humans and can be moral or immoral, but never Amoral. Capitalism exist only in connection with the amoral actions of corporations. The former is generally LIFE engendering. They latter is generally death, disease, and corruption engendering. Amoral Capitalism as a goal, is a philosophy and machine of destruction, something that is removed from the human condition, from the circumstances of humans, except to enslave humans to debt slavery.
Amoral Capitalism always produces a wealthy class of thieves. When the thieves control ALL the capital, it is no longer "free enterprise" it is debt slavery.
Ultimately "Capitalism" holds no more place in our country's founding than does "democracy." Yet, the thieves see that our children are taught "Democracy" and "Capitalism." Why?The founders created a "Representative Republic" using certain democratic principles, which included a "FREE ENTERPRISE SYSTEM" which included some principles of Capitalism. Keeping Enterprise FREE, in the U.S. they barred all permanent corporations, especially the world banking corporations that have now enslaved us. They BARRED ALL Permanent corporations for ONE HUNDRED AND SIXTEEN YEARS of our history!
Why do you not know this history? Because the Capitalists that have you in debt slavery do not want you to know it.
Until we take the road of Iceland, and again BAR these amoral Corporations and once again open our own country's economy to ourselves, to "WE THE PEOPLE for the purpose of FREE ENTERPRISE," instead of "THEM THE INTERNATIONAL CORPORATIONS for the purpose of Capital Theft," we will not regain our freedom or recover our sovereignty.
This video explains the corruption of Capitalism, when Capitalism becomes removed from "FREE ENTERPRISE." It is a wonderful example of the corrupting process told in the microcosm of Iceland.
We don't have to be slaves to the THIEVES! What did Iceland do? Why hasn't this story been told over and over again and again on our news media? Because all our news comes from SIX Corporations that are owned by the same thieves.
I thought that James Lipton was dead. Apparently not. Chris Matthews had him on "HARDBALL", not a whisp of hair, head or beard not dyed jet black. He pronounced in his best Shakespearean intonation that the 10.3.2012 debate was a victory speech for Romney and a concession speech for Obama.
He said that the last two minutes of the debates sealed the impression for the audience.
I wonder if they has to prop him up for the interview?
Some of you have it half right. Considering the FACTS - that is the Republican and Democrat governing record, these statements by Catholic Bishops who have FINALLY been shocked awake - at least partially awake, are only HALF true. His whole point is that the Republican a
nd Democrat "platforms" are different. The real question is, "have they governed differently?" The answer is NO. Every moral issue he names in the Democrat Platform what would make it a sin to support, is part of the Romney's governing record. Truth Matters:
A friend who has remained angry at me from the moment he realized that I really wasn't blowing smoke during the primaries when I said that I would never cast a vote for Romney and listed the reasons why - basically that he is Obama's twin, said to me in frustration today, speaking of McCain's lost and Romney's poor showing:
"I have not heard any one blaming a 3rd party for mccains defeat. He is the only one responsible for that. No fight is why and the sucking up to Obama is the problem. It seems Romney has the same " Obama is a nice guy" syndrome. This traitor that is in the white house is the most dangerous this that this country has faced since pearl harbor."
I answered: What about the last three Republican Party traitors, (1) George Bush who destroyed the constitution and handed Obama dictatorial powers, (2) McCain the loser manipulated by Party Elite into running so Obama would win, and (3) Romney (ditto). (a) With the world going to hell, (b) Obama's foreign policy LITERALLY in flames, (c) sodomized/murdered American diplomat, etc., etc. (d) Unemployment still high, (e) 50 million people on food stamps, etc., etc., (f) Our defenses about to be gutted by sequestration, (g) knowledge that Obama and Muslim Brotherhood are allied, (h) a frontal assault on religious liberty and (i) free speech AND OBAMA IS STILL MORE POPULAR THAN ROMNEY - have you asked yourself, not how this could happen, but WHY? (we know how - through theft of the primary process) but WHY? Why Romney? Why did the elite destroy every semblance of grass roots democratic process, to run this loser? WHY? Almost all the others would have taken Obama to the woodshed, and Romney is incapable? Almost anything he can say in criticism of Obama redounds to his own life, religion and governing record - WHY did they "ordain" him? WAKE UP - The Republican Party has cease to be a force for the good, they are cooperating for our enslavement, and folk like you are empowering it.
You can walk in fear,
or you can walk in faith. One or the other. I choose the path of
faith, and principle. If millions of Americans would do the same,
things would change, and they would change very quickly.
"If, to
please the people, we offer what we ourselves disprove, how can we
afterwards defend our work? Let us raise a standard to which the wise
and the honest can repair. The event is in the hand of God." --
George Washington Shared by Tom Hoefling 2012 America's Party Candidate for President of the United States.
Some say, “Sometimes, a compromise and getting a substantial amount of what
you want is better than no compromise and getting nothing or the
opposite of what you want. The founding fathers compromised are you
better or wiser than they?”
I say read the
history: The founders DID compromise on LIFE, Liberty AND Property
because of the protection of the institution of slavery, and it took
80 year and 750,000 to 850,000 of young Americans slaughtered by each
other to try and correct the mistake. Any one willing to make as
great a mistake as to the "nature of man" as the founders did is not fit to be president. Laws that govern man have to be based upon the reality of the nature of man, or they will never last; they will rather distort the society and ultimately cause havoc, unrest and even bloodshed. The militant Gay Movement will never be the accepted culture of this land, useless all sanity were to be lost.
The founders said that a black man was
3/5ths a human being. Gary Johnson, Barrack Obama and Mitt Romney are
saying that a man, black or white CAN be a "WIFE" and that a woman can be a HUSBAND, both ontological impossibilities. Just as
slavery could not be papered over with legality, pretended to be RIGHT and made to last,
neither can hedonistic insanity be papered over with legality, pretended to be RIGHT and made to last. There are core principles that CANNOT be
Look at the distortion of the Abortion Law and the 60 million missing native born American Citizens. What music, art, literature would they have created? What advances in medicine, engineering, physics? We have no way of knowing because we live in a distorted reality in their absence and it cannot be papered over with legality, pretended to be RIGHT. This American Tragedy has to be corrected, or the devolution of the civilization is a forgone conclusion.
"If tomorrow all the self-professed conservatives I have known and worked with in my life could break free from the mesmerizing light of false pragmatism and walk only by the light of that word and example, they would see their own strength. Awakening from their redeemer-bereft nightmare world of "lesser evils," they would shun the tawdry compromise that now steals their strength away." - Alan Keyes.
"As different as the two "platforms" of the parties have been, the ACTIONS have not been different.
Both parties have cooperated to cede sovereignty to international entities and interests.
Both have cooperated to systematically dismantle the American middle class, and betray the American worker by legalizing unrestricted trade with slaver nations.
Both parties have cooperated to ignored horrible genocide in the world (where there were few natural resources).
Both parties have cooperated to fake genocide to gain the natural resources of the Balkans.
Both parties have cooperated with Moslem terrorists in Kosovo to drive Orthodox Christians from that place.
Both parties have fallen under the influence of international money that is answerable to no one.
Both parties have perpetrated inhumanities upon its own citizenry.
Both parties have kowtowed to activist judges, without which the abortion holocaust would not exist (the author of the majority opinion who wrote Roe vs Wade was a REPUBLICAN appointee).
Both parties have kowtowed to politically correct fantasies, accepted Darwinism as Gospel, fostered an educational system and culture that is seriously damaging our country's future.
Both parties have cooperated to actively suppress technologies that would supplant the "oil economy."
Both parties act in absolute cowardice when it comes time to answer the big and truly important questions. No congress in my lifetime has been any more a "do nothing congress" than the last Republican led congress, who sat on their collective arses while a republican administration, which ran on a PLATFORM of SMALLER government, in ACTION actually INCREASED the size of government exponentially!
Both parties have cooperated in the take down of our Republic by the use of "Emergency Powers."
The stupidity of both average republicans and average democrats, is that they both relish the expansion of government and governmental powers as long as they perceive those powers being used to do their bidding. Many Christians, who were active in the process of creating the power in Washington (not contained in the constitution) were shocked when that power turned on them, began attacking their beliefs and freedoms.
Polish the Republican/Democrat idol all you want, when you grow tired it will still be an idol. Where you ascribe Moloch to the liberals only, both liberals and conservatives are feeding Moloch and NEITHER control him.
As you can see, this was true then, though few saw it, and is true now, but more evident and in your face, and more people see it. At the time I could not mention that we were already living under a dictatorship, that George Bush's NeoCons had suspended constitutional governance on 9/14/2001, because when I did, nice people cursed me and called me every sort of name, including a non-patriot and even a traitor. Today many more people are awake, and realize that we presently live in a dictatorship, and that voting in a dictatorship is different than voting in a democratic republic, like we used to be.
The Republican Party and The Democrat Party, Two Missions The Same Goal
A friend said to me, "The Republican Party and the Democratic Party are the same, just different."
I said, "The same difference between Lucifer and Satan, both have the same evil goals."
Then it dawned upon me that, yes they have the same goal, but different missions.
Reference and Examples Glen Beck - Judson Phillips' Tea Party Nation: In the first year of the Obama Dictatorship, he did some truly in-your-face things, as we all know. He made an out right frontal assault on the upper middle and middle class, and even the "independent working class" (contractors, plumbers, lawn care, piano tuners) attacking capital, arbitrarily changing federal bankruptcy laws, ORDERED closings of hundreds of auto dealerships (privately owned businesses), took the wealth he stole from the GM stockholders, that they would have received had GM been forced into bankruptcy and handed that wealth to the Unions, and made the whole thing work by massive federal spending. His FDIC and Security and Exchange Gestapo totally ignore the TRILLIONS of dollars of theft by the so-called "to big to fail" Banks and Insurance companies, and they came after builders, developers, and mid-sized and small bankers. THIS is what sparked the Tea Party movement. It was't anything else. It was that fellows rant on the Business Channel that gave sudden language to the resistance. That anger was massive. IT had the power of revolution, of replacing and abolishing like Herman Cains said in his speeches, like is stated in the Declaration of Independence and that Declaration proves the LEGAL right for citizen action. The good hard working small business people did not want to create bloodshed and anarchy, but they meant to have redress even if it took bloodshed. Enter Judson Phillips' and his Tea Party Nation, Glen Beck and a host of others who "seemed" to be speaking the Tea Party anger, but whose mission it was to defuse the movement.
Haven't you ever wondered what that massive rally Beck pulled in D.C. was all about. Could you imagine the power of that movement had leaders truly organized it and lead it? But what happened instead. WE WERE ALL HAD. Hard working people, many who had lost jobs and businesses took funds from their meager reserves and campaigned and rallied all across the country and cooperated with their fearless leader Glen Beck, only to be herded into a massive crowd of one million or more, and (1) entertained, (2) told they were peaceful people, (3) told that the problems were too big to be solved and finally the most insulting thing of all were (4) were told that the problem was THEMSELVES. (5) They were told to be nice, go back home and do something nice for someone close by. Nothing wrong with that idea, since most of these people collectively do MASSIVE good every day in their communities. They are the backbone of the shelters, the food kitchens, the food banks, and many, many more kinds of charitable works. Beck's mission was simply to defuse the anger and confuse the goal. The goal was constitutional governance, honor and integrity in government. The charities were doing just fine without this waste of TIME and RESOURCE. When Beck's mission was completed, he was marginalized.
We have got to start thinking smarter than our "handlers and conditioners." We have to learn, "Where we are, prove it to ourselves and then we will KNOW how to act, and we will not need FAKE Cheerleaders for our cause.
What about Judson Phillips and his Tea Party Nation that suddenly sprang on the scene, complete with painted buses, and a national tour, while he spouted on Cable and Satellite and talk radio, speaking for "the Tea Party" while the REAL tea party folks were just beginning to meet in fellowship and VFW Halls, living rooms, church and community kitchens. While mom and pop were trying to discover where they were, to prove it to themselves and decided what to do Phillips was on a bus tour, and his mission was also to defuse the Tea Party, the round it up for the RNC/Romney Mafia.
Again, we have got to start thinking smarter than our "handlers and conditioners."
The Mission of the Democrat Party: The Serpent has come out from under his rock, and slithering inch by inch has helped created in the culture the New Morality of the New Religion, the one needed to destroy the barbaric notions of Nature's Laws and Nature's God. These notions have to be destroyed, as does the dignity of the individual, for the good of the collective. This new morality is not about individual rights, but about "group rights" for now, and ultimately only about the rights of "the International Collective." The Democrats have been assigned the mission of leading us NOT to state communism, NOT to state socialism, but to the Brave New World, the International Collective created by the Scientistic Dictatorship Elite, many decades in the making. Obama is the Drum Major Prancing at the front of the band and the Democrat party is the Band each person playing their particular instrument; it is like a colossus Pied Piper show, carrying us into a World designed by Francis Beacon. - You can read about the future they have in store for us at the link at the end of this paragraph. It is a Scientistic Dictatorship, where every aspect of our lives is governed by the wise ones, all for our own good, based upon the "expert's pronouncements" from many disciplines. The problem is this Brave New World Order to which they are leading us, is not based on the reality of SCIENCE, but upon SCIENTISM - which is the New Religion previously mentioned. It is not based on true Scientific Facts, but upon the misuse of "experts" as High Priests of the New Order. They have the Muslim Brotherhood on board, because the Muslim Brotherhood would love to see mankind herded into a Centralized one world government, so much the easier to infiltrate and conquer. For them this march to the New World Order is Jihad, pure and simple, and they are using the Marxists and the NeoCons, cooperating for its creation so they can take control of it. Every single event in the years since Reagan, have been an express train to this goal. Every single event makes sense, (and some so sinister we dare not mention) even the seeming schizophrenia of Obama's "governing from behind" and his massive assaults on everything than can stand in its way.
The Mission of the Republican Party:I bored you, and probably lost half my readers with the lengthy examples of Glen Beck and Judson Phillips, to teach how those who seem to be allies, who seem to be on our side, who speak in our language, who take leadership roles, may not and are not on our side, nor acting honestly. They prattle thing that make us feel good, but their actions portray a different goal. When they speak the language of "individual rights, constitutional governance, faith and the dignity of individuals" insincerely what does that mean? It means that they have joined JUDAS. We are so conditioned to insincere speaking that we see it in massive volumes everyday on social media, and T.V. as the spin is broadcast incessantly. SPIN IS INSINCERE SPEECH; It is not, and never is TRUTH. To understand the hellishness of this I'll let the current Pope explain it. This was his sermon on the day the Republican Party officially suicided.
The Meaning of Insincere Speaking: This primary cycle and the Convention proved without a shadow of a doubt that every voice coming from the Republican party is an insincere voice, spinning for effect, but for what purpose. If the Republican Party does not express our values, what is its Mission? Common sense would tell you that if it was real it would express our values. Its mission is the same as Glen Beck, Judson Phillips and a host of others, to defuse the resistance to the Brave New World Order, to divide and conquer the ONLY forces capable of stopping the destruction of our country. And it has accomplished its goal in this election cycle whether Mitt Romney wins or loses. How? By placing a person as the nominee that is the mirror image of Obama. (1) Of a non-Christian Religion (2) Willing to tell any tale to get elected.
It was glaringly obvious that the RNC/ROMNEY MAFIA - Fox News - Glen Beck - and a host of others with MASSIVE money, and thuggish efforts were going to make Romney the nominee - at any cost up to and including the destruction of any legitimacy of the Party itself. So they chose The WEAKEST candidate out of the bunch, the single candidate with least in common with the Party's base. Why? To divide and conquer the only forces that stand in the way of the Brave New World Order. Romney's candidacy has NEVER been about winning the White House, it has ONLY been about defusing the resistance. Many unable to believe that is in front of them, twist their souls, their reasoning powers, and their core values into pretzel shape and support him. Those awake and seeing know they cannot support him without committing soul-killing moral suicide. Mission already accomplished. The only answer is a viable third party candidate that TRULY represents Constitutional Values, who would on day one rescind every executive order of Bush and Obama, sign legislation voiding the Patriot Act, The Emergency Powers Act, and a host of other constitution killing laws and mandates. The Republican and Democrat Parties have the same goal but different missions.The Republican Party has a mission, to confuse, and defuse all resistance to The New World Order, while the Democrats cheer and march us to "international collectivist slavery." IF no viable Third Party Candidate emerges, then a vote for any of them is sound the Dictatorship will hear. Voting in a Dictatorship is not like voting in a Democratic Republic and WE ARE a Dictatorship.
If you doubt we are in a dictatorship listen to Director Joel Gilbert at the National Press Club, Washington DC. - You have to remember that the REPUBLICANS cooperated with this conspiracy. After explaining the suppression of his movie, TAKE NOTE that seasoned reporters applauded when Gilbert announced that his group was mailing to millions of households, free copies of his movie on DVD. WHY WOULD THEY APPLAUD? They know that the press has been stifled, that they are not al
lowed by their editors and publishers to DO THEIR JOBS, THEY ARE APPLAUDING SOMEONE DOING AN END-RUN AROUND THE CENSORSHIP MACHINE THEY FACE EVERYDAY. This is evidence of the total suppression of a formerly Free Press under the power of a Dictatorship. This suppression of the press, them not being allowed to tell Obama's real story, happened when GEORGE BUSH was president! Wake up! READ IT AGAIN, IT HAPPENED WHEN GEORGE BUSH WAS PRESIDENT. The Republican Party, The Democrat Party and the Muslim Brotherhood have joined forces to create a Sharia Compliant New World Collective. When you vote for Obama or Romney you are voting for THIS conspiracy.
Mitt Romney says that Barack Obama's bailout of the auto industry was
actually his idea.
Neither candidate supports immediately balancing the federal budget
or even balancing it in the next 25 years.
They both believe in big government and they both have a track record
of being big spenders while in office.
Barack Obama and Mitt Romney both fully support the Federal Reserve.
Barack Obama and Mitt Romney are both on record as saying that the
president should not question the "independence" of the
Federal Reserve.
Barack Obama and Mitt Romney have both said that Federal Reserve
Chairman Ben Bernanke did a good job during the last financial
Barack Obama and Mitt Romney both felt that Federal Reserve Chairman
Ben Bernanke deserved to be renominated to a second term.
Both candidates oppose a full audit of the Federal Reserve.
Both candidates are on record as saying that U.S. Treasury Secretary
Timothy Geithner has done a good job.
Barack Obama and Mitt Romney have both been big promoters of
universal health care.
Mitt Romney was the one who developed the plan that Obamacare was
later based upon.
Wall Street absolutely showers both candidates with campaign
Neither candidate wants to eliminate the income tax or the IRS.
Both candidates want to keep personal income tax rates at the exact
same levels for the vast majority of Americans.
Both candidates are "open" to the idea of imposing a Value
Added Tax on the American people.
Barack Obama and Mitt Romney both believe that the TSA is doing a
great job.
Barack Obama and Mitt Romney both supported the NDAA.
Barack Obama and Mitt Romney both supported the renewal of the
Patriot Act.
Barack Obama and Mitt Romney both believe that the federal government
should be able to indefinitely detain American citizens that are
considered to be terrorists.
Both candidates believe that American citizens suspected of being
terrorists can be killed by the president without a trial.
Barack Obama has not closed Guantanamo Bay like he promised to do,
and Mitt Romney actually wants to double the number of prisoners held
Both candidates support the practice of "extraordinary
They both accuse each other of shipping jobs out of the country and
both of them are right.
Both candidates are extremely soft on illegal immigration.
Neither candidate has any military experience. This is the first time
that this has happened in a U.S. election since 1944.
They both believe in the theory of man-made global warming.
Mitt Romney has said that he will support a "cap and trade"
carbon tax scheme (like the one Barack Obama wants) as long as the
entire globe goes along with it.
Both candidates have a very long record of supporting strict gun
control measures.
Both candidates supported the TARP bailouts and the auto bailouts.
Both candidates have been pro-abortion most of their careers. Mitt
Romney's "conversion" to the pro-life cause has been
questioned by many. In fact, Mitt Romney has made millions on Bain
Capital's investment in a company called "Stericycle" that
incinerates aborted babies collected from family planning clinics.
Barack Obama and Mitt Romney both believe that the Boy Scout ban on
openly gay troop leaders is wrong.
Both candidates supported the recent hike of the debt ceiling by $2.4
They both believe that a "two state solution" will bring
lasting peace between the Palestinians and Israel.
Both candidates have a history of nominating extremely liberal
Like Barack Obama, Mitt Romney also plans to add "signing
statements" to bills when he signs them into law.
They both have a horrible record when it comes to job creation.
Both candidates believe that the president has the power to take the
country to war without getting the approval of the U.S. Congress.
Both candidates plan to continue running up more government debt even
though the U.S. government is already 16 trillion dollars in
debt. 41. Both candidates made cheap abortions part of their
government health care. 42. Both candidates are supported by the Muslim Brotherhood and are Sharia Compliant, in other words, Dhimmis. Obama has proved this through his foreign policy and helping the Political Islamic insurgency here in the U.S., placing MB people in crucial positions throughout government. Romney has proved it by gaining the endorsement of the Bushes, the most destructive Dhimmis our country has ever seen. If you doubt that Romney is a dhimmi, he said the following and has NEVER walked it back. - This was before the Heritage Foundation in 2009. "If you want my views on Islam, it's quite straightforward. Islam is one of the world's great religions and the great majority of people in Islam want peace for themselves and peace with their maker. They want to raise families and have a bright future. There is, however, a movement in the world known as jihadism. They call themselves jihadists and I use the same term. And this jihadist movement is intent on causing the collapse of moderate Muslim states and the assassination of moderate Muslim leaders. It is also intent on causing collapse of other nations in the world. It's by no means a branch of Islam. It is instead an entirely different entity. In no way do I suggest it is a part of Islam." -MITT ROMNEY (2009)
Every corporation employs them, every entertainment business, media programming, advertising, political campaigns. Political conventions are choreographed, scripted and played out according to the score written by the "Conditioners" the skilled human manipulators called, "Behaviorists."
This election cycle it is easy to see who has the easiest job of it. Elections are won or lost by the proper use of "fear" and "reward"
two common Behavioral keys programmed into generations via public education, media and myriad means in the culture. Even some institutions purporting to be "Christian" are using these methods. Conditioning the masses is simply "driving the herd" by the means that works with any docile beast. Fear and Reward.
This election cycle we see the Democrats using "Belongingness Reward" to great effect. "Obama is our savior. We are his good people who love everyone and want to create paradise on earth. Won't you join us? Won't you forget the hate, and just live and let live and give our savior time to finish the job he has started." But they also are using fear but to a lesser extent. "They want to take away your rights. They want to return to a failed past. They hate Gays, they hate women, they assault women, etc." Joe Biden actually told black people that Republicans want to put them in shackles. Can't make this stuff up.
This election cycle we see the Republican Party using "FEAR" and to questionable effect. It is without vision, except some shadow copy of what Obama is doing. Newt Gingrich quoted Holy Writ saying, "Without Vision The People Perish." And it is true and probably seals the fate of this election. For their FEAR CAMPAIGN they have plenty of ammunition, since they have only to point to the massive Obama daily insults; to assaults on Constitutional Governance, Christian Liberty, his assault on all Traditional beliefs as superstition and ignorance. Even though the Republican Operatives are using this method, oddly the Candidate Romney acts as if he is removed from reality says only, "I think Obama is a nice person. I don't have anything against him personally. I just think he is in over his head." What kind of appeal is that to Independences who are listening to the "Savior" on the other side.
The Republican are also using a strange sort of "Belongingness Reward" wrapped in FEAR - "Obama is Satan - We can band together to save our country, we can feel good about it, even if banding together is for rational purpose or not, we FEEL it is right, we FEEL Romney is good, we FEEL that all will be well, we FEEL we can hold his 'feet to the fire', we FEEL we can actually turn him into OUR candidate and savior." If by some miracle against nature Romney pulls it off, these same sleeping people will think they have won something.
This game is being played out, while both parties are in a panic that you might WAKE UP. Both parties are counting on a natural human phenomenon called "The Normalcy Bias" to hide their collective efforts to enslave you. In the old days they simply called it "shock" and yes we are a Nation in Shock. Here is how the Normalcy Bias works.
This first paragraph tells you what both the Republican and Democratic Parties want you to keep doing:It is hard to get the mind and emotions around the reality of what is actually happening - It is actually a shock mechanism called The Normalcy Bias - people just keep doing what they are doing unable to believe that the reason for doing it is gone. Here is how the Normalcy Bias Works: I saw it when I was Railroad Engineer 1971 - My train took the rear end off an automobile on a crossing in East Point, Georgia - luckily there was only one person in the car. As we walked the train back to where the half-car was sitting we kept hearing someone trying to crank a car - you know the sound of a starter turning over a motor. When we got to the car the man was still sitting in the front seat. He had his seat belt on and was very lucky to be alive. But he was sitting there looking embarrassed and was turning the ignition trying over and over trying again and again to crank half a car. He looked at me and said, "I'm sorry fellows. Just give me a minute and I will get out of your way." I said, "Sir, have you looked at your back seat?" He said, "Why?" I said, "Because it is not there." He turned, saw the back of the car missing and immediately passed out from shock. That is the Normalcy Bias and the entire country is suffering it at this very moment, the Constitution is voided, the political process is a mere show, mere theater to keep the lid on, while all are still locked in the Right/Left political paradigm pretending that Obama v Romney has meaning.
Here is what both parties are very frightened you will realize:
Tyranny in America - For Dummies:
Political Science 101:
Dedicated to the truth-teller Congressman Dr. Larry McDonald who was assassinated by a joint operation of the CIA/KGB
The history goes way back - 1939 I think the original creation of the Emergency Powers Act. It saw several additions and strengthening over the years and under the Clinton administration it was drastically strengthened. I screamed. Then there was the Kansas v Hendricks SCOTUS precedent in June of 1997 allowing for the indefinite detention of a person ruled SANE, but a danger to society, who had served out his sentence. SCOTUS ruled that for the "public good" Kansas could hold him. (There went the Bill of Rights) That is the precedent upon which all the so called prophylactic laws are based - I screamed - nobody listened. Then following 9/11, George Bush declared a state of national emergency 9/14/2001 which effectively suspended the constitution, and a category of people who could be held prophylactically to include "Islamic Terrorists" - things appeared normal, but Bush kept renewing the state of emergency and handed it to Obama, 2010 Homeland Security expanded the category of potential terrorist to include anyone holding conservative views, vis a vis gun-control, abortion, christian morals, nationalism, even veterans, etc. In June of 2012 Obama changed the definition of those who could be arrested without charge, held indefinitely without right of habaeus corpus to any deemed "a threat to national security" Which is the exact same power Joseph Stalin held in the old USSR where he murder upwards of 80 million people. The NDA this spring cancelled the Posse Comitatus Act - allowing for U.S. troops to be deploy for police action INSIDE the U.S., it authorized armed drones, wiretap without warrant, and gave Obama the power to kill any citizen deem "a threat to national security" etc., etc., etc. June 28th 2012 the Roberts court removed ALL constraints from Federal coercion - allowing for coercion via taxation. IT IS OVER - the media has been reporting fake news for a decade, this season's political campaign has been a kabuki play guaranteeing the election a NWO candidate - Romney or Obama etc.
A friend said, "They take comfort in being hauled to the FEMA camp by a Republican driver." Exactly.
Political Science 101:
Voting In A Dictatorship
Voting in a dictatorship: And the only way to show dictators that you will not be ruled by dictators is to refuse to play the FAKE election game. Nothing would send a chill down the spine of the wealthy elite than for tens of million to refuse to participate in the sham. After all the ruling elite in Europe and the U.S. that have enslaved us to "internationalism" where they are in control are only about ten thousand people, a drop in the bucket to the power we WOULD have if people could gain the WISDOM to not participate in FAKE political GAMES. These games only give them cover, since a vote in a dictatorship is a de facto agreement to be governed by a dictatorship. We know Obama is a Dictator, we KNOW the Republican process was fake, rigged from the beginning and part of the same power structure that controls ObamaI love it when people are ALIVE and view the truth without blinders of fear. All these people screaming for Romney are driven by fear and fear along. They are paralyzed in the old paradigm that does not exist anymore and are unable to imagine answers for what is coming. Fake primaries, Fake conventions, Fake candidates, and now even Fake Presidents who are mere puppets of the power structure that has taken control - THIS IS NOT THE ANSWER - IT IS THE PROBLEM.
Okay - I'm willing to deal with the reality of the present situation - are you? Here is the present situation - The constitution is voided, the federal government has been given unrestricted powers of arrest without charge, indefinite incarceration without right of habeas corpus, and unlimited powers of coercion via taxation and everyone is caught in the Normalcy Bias Syndrome and cannot admit it. The NeoCons (Romney and Bush gang) The Marxists (Obama and leftist democrat gang) and the Muslim Brotherhood have formed an alliance. ONLY FIVE congressmen have sounded the alarm (and simply by asking for an investigation) about Muslim Brotherhood infiltration and influence in our government at the highest levels, have been lynched by John McCain (who is supposed to be less radical than Romney) and others of the left and right, WHY? And Obama has handed to the MB Morocco, Tunisia, Libya, Egypt, Yemen, Turkey and soon to fall into their hands are Syria which will mean Lebanon also - and Romney is on board with it - add socialist medicine, $50 abortions, and gay marriage to Romney's record and I have to say - WHEN we keep showing our willingness to vote for those antithetical to our own interests we give them permission to govern us. The ONLY political voice that will have any impact on the Ruling Elite is when people become aware enough to STOP giving them permission for MORE evil. A vote for Romney is JUST as Evil as a vote for Obama.
I feel a little like Alice in Wonderland, when I answer questions about situations that make no sense, or would make no sense IF the Constitution were the law of the land. I answer the question and people cannot comprehend the meaning, because the ramifications are too horrible to face; the American mind cannot grasp it because it destroys the mythology of American democratic invincibility and illusions of truth and justice. At the moment in the public arena little is true and nothing is just. The circumstances of Obama's birth are meaningless, he could be a Martian and it would be meaningless. The constitution was suspended on 9/14/2001 under the Emergency Powers Act, by a Declaration of a Nation State of Emergency. That gave George Bush dictatorial governing powers, outside the previous confines of the Constitution. They carried on a sham for 7 years as if everything were normal and then handed the Dictatorial powers to Obama. Obama DID NOT become "president" under the confines of the Constitution, he became the President under the power of the Emergency Powers Act, where the constitution was suspended. The Constitutional requirement governing the election of a president ARE MEANINGLESS and VOID since the Constitution was not the law of the land.
Haven't you asked yourself after one un-constitutional outrage or another, "How can he do that? Why doesn't someone stand up to him? Where is Congress? Where are the Tea Party People WE elected?" He was not elected within the confines of the Constitution and is not governed under the confines of the Constitution.
in a dictatorship: And the only way to show dictators that you
will not be ruled by dictators is to refuse to play the FAKE election
game. Nothing would send a chill down the spine of the wealthy elite
than for tens of million to refuse to participate in the sham. After
all the ruling elite in Europe and the U.S. that have enslaved us to
"internationalism" where they are in control are only about
ten thousand people, a drop in the bucket to the power we WOULD have
if people could gain the WISDOM to not participate in FAKE political
GAMES. These games only give them cover, since a vote in a
dictatorship is a de facto agreement to be governed by a
dictatorship. We know Obama is a Dictator, we KNOW the Republican
process was fake, rigged from the beginning and part of the same
power structure that controls ObamaI love it when people are ALIVE and view the truth without blinders of fear. All these people screaming for Romney are driven by fear and fear along. They are paralyzed in the old paradigm that does not exist anymore and are unable to imagine answers for what is coming. Fake primaries, Fake conventions, Fake candidates, and now even Fake Presidents who are mere puppets of the power structure that has taken control - THIS IS NOT THE ANSWER - IT IS THE PROBLEM.
Okay - I'm willing to
deal with the reality of the present situation - are you? Here is the
present situation - The constitution is voided, the federal
government has been given unrestricted powers of arrest without
charge, indefinite incarceration without right of habeas corpus, and
unlimited powers of coercion via taxation and everyone is caught in
the Normalcy Bias Syndrome and cannot admit it. The NeoCons (Romney
and Bush gang) The Marxists (Obama and leftist democrat gang) and the
Muslim Brotherhood have formed an alliance. ONLY FIVE congressmen
have sounded the alarm (and simply by asking for an investigation)
about Muslim Brotherhood infiltration and influence in our government
at the highest levels, have been lynched by John McCain (who is
supposed to be less radical than Romney) and others of the left and
right, WHY? And Obama has handed to the MB Morocco, Tunisia, Libya,
Egypt, Yemen, Turkey and soon to fall into their hands are Syria
which will mean Lebanon also - and Romney is on board with it - add
socialist medicine, $50 abortions, and gay marriage to Romney's record and I have to
say - WHEN we keep showing our willingness to vote for those
antithetical to our own interests we give them permission to govern
us. The ONLY political voice that will have any impact on the Ruling
Elite is when people become aware enough to STOP giving them
permission for MORE evil. A vote for Romney is JUST as Evil as a vote
for Obama.
Dedicated to the truth-teller Congressman Dr. Larry McDonald who was assassinated by a joint operation of the CIA/KGB
history goes way back - 1939 I think the original creation of the
Emergency Powers Act. I was massively strengthened by the National Security Act of 1976, and then under the Clinton administration it was drastically
strengthened. I screamed. Then there was the Kansas v Hendricks
SCOTUS precedent in June of 1997 allowing for the indefinite
detention of a person ruled SANE, but a danger to society, who had
served out his sentence. SCOTUS ruled that for the "public
good" Kansas could hold him. (There went the Bill of Rights)
That is the precedent upon which all the so called prophylactic laws
are based - I screamed - nobody listened. Then following 9/11,
on the 25th anniversary of the passage of the 1976 bill, George Bush declared a state of national emergency 9/14/2001 which
effectively suspended the constitution, and a category of people who
could be held prophylactically to include "Islamic Terrorists"
- things appeared normal, but Bush kept renewing the state of
emergency and handed it to Obama, April 7th 2009 Homeland Security expanded the
category of potential terrorist to include anyone holding
conservative views, vis a vis gun-control, abortion, christian
morals, nationalism, even veterans, etc. In June of 2012 Obama
changed the definition of those who could be arrested without charge,
held indefinitely without right of habaeus corpus to any deemed "a
threat to national security" Which is the exact same power
Joseph Stalin held in the old USSR where he murdered upwards of 80
million people. The NDAA this spring cancelled the Posse Comitatus
Act - allowing for U.S. troops to be deploy for police action INSIDE
the U.S., it authorized armed drones, wiretap without warrant, and
gave Obama the power to kill any citizen deem "a threat to
national security" etc., etc., etc. June 28th 2012 the Roberts
court removed ALL constraints from Federal coercion - allowing for
coercion via taxation. IT IS OVER - the media has been reporting fake
news for a decade, this season's political campaign has been a kabuki
play guaranteeing the election a NWO candidate - Romney or Obama
To unite behind a lie is powerLESS. To vote and truly reflect your principles and morality is powerFUL. Some people have proved that they are without virtue and so morally shallow that they can imagine winning only in the short-term outcome of a single election. Driven by fear, they scream for "unity" over morality and principle; it is a unity that they hope creates a “win.” But WHAT will they WIN?
If you violate your principles for victory, what have you won? If your only driver is fear, you are equal to a beast in a cage. No HUMAN has to ever go there; we are smarter than that. Psychological wins at this point in our history are as important as actual physical wins. The only thing that is slowing down draconian measures is the fear the ruling elite have of losing control when masses of people awaken. After all the ruling Elite in America and Europe number less than ten thousand. And they are weak, pampered people whose fear drives them more than any other principle or emotion, they live in luxurious CAGES, surrounded by massive security. Even their security is for HIRE. THEY ARE FRIGHTENED OF US. AT this point in History, The psychological win ON PRINCIPLE, tens of millions refusing to be herded like slaves in the slavers game - is the most powerful weapon we have.
I say that Obama and Romney are twins - what does that mean?
Barack Obama and Mitt Romney both supported TARP.
Mitt Romney says that Barack Obama's bailout of the auto industry was
actually his idea.
Neither candidate supports immediately balancing the federal budget
or even balancing it in the next 25 years.
They both believe in big government and they both have a track record
of being big spenders while in office.
Barack Obama and Mitt Romney both fully support the Federal Reserve.
Barack Obama and Mitt Romney are both on record as saying that the
president should not question the "independence" of the
Federal Reserve.
Barack Obama and Mitt Romney have both said that Federal Reserve
Chairman Ben Bernanke did a good job during the last financial
Barack Obama and Mitt Romney both felt that Federal Reserve Chairman
Ben Bernanke deserved to be renominated to a second term.
Both candidates oppose a full audit of the Federal Reserve.
Both candidates are on record as saying that U.S. Treasury Secretary
Timothy Geithner has done a good job.
Barack Obama and Mitt Romney have both been big promoters of
universal health care.
Mitt Romney was the one who developed the plan that Obamacare was
later based upon.
Wall Street absolutely showers both candidates with campaign
Neither candidate wants to eliminate the income tax or the IRS.
Both candidates want to keep personal income tax rates at the exact
same levels for the vast majority of Americans.
Both candidates are "open" to the idea of imposing a Value
Added Tax on the American people.
Barack Obama and Mitt Romney both believe that the TSA is doing a
great job.
Barack Obama and Mitt Romney both supported the NDAA.
Barack Obama and Mitt Romney both supported the renewal of the
Patriot Act.
Barack Obama and Mitt Romney both believe that the federal government
should be able to indefinitely detain American citizens that are
considered to be terrorists.
Both candidates believe that American citizens suspected of being
terrorists can be killed by the president without a trial.
Barack Obama has not closed Guantanamo Bay like he promised to do,
and Mitt Romney actually wants to double the number of prisoners held
Both candidates support the practice of "extraordinary
They both accuse each other of shipping jobs out of the country and
both of them are right.
Both candidates are extremely soft on illegal immigration.
Neither candidate has any military experience. This is the first time
that this has happened in a U.S. election since 1944.
They both believe in the theory of man-made global warming.
Mitt Romney has said that he will support a "cap and trade"
carbon tax scheme (like the one Barack Obama wants) as long as the
entire globe goes along with it.
Both candidates have a very long record of supporting strict gun
control measures.
Both candidates supported the TARP bailouts and the auto bailouts.
Both candidates have been pro-abortion most of their careers. Mitt
Romney's "conversion" to the pro-life cause has been
questioned by many. In fact, Mitt Romney has made millions on Bain
Capital's investment in a company called "Stericycle" that
incinerates aborted babies collected from family planning clinics.
Barack Obama and Mitt Romney both believe that the Boy Scout ban on
openly gay troop leaders is wrong.
Both candidates supported the recent hike of the debt ceiing by $2.4
They both believe that a "two state solution" will bring
lasting peace between the Palestinians and Israel.
Both candidates have a history of nominating extremely liberal
Like Barack Obama, Mitt Romney also plans to add "signing
statements" to bills when he signs them into law.
They both have a horrible record when it comes to job creation.
Both candidates believe that the president has the power to take the
country to war without getting the approval of the U.S. Congress.
Both candidates plan to continue running up more government debt even
though the U.S. government is already 16 trillion dollars in debt.