Sunday, July 29, 2012

Romney Zombies Are Without Defense

All, do you know the only argument these Romney Zombies have? It is "anybody but Obama" which holds the same meaning as "any terminal disease except cancer." NOTHING Romney has to offer cures the disease - and actually changes the direction of the country. The Romney Zombie argument is "well he will slow the pace." What the hell does that mean? It means following the election people will think "remission" and go back to sleep. When in reality we will just keep falling into the abyss.
 ·  ·  · about an hour ago
    • Marcia Chimie Do homework my friend. Go to his website and you will find every single issue discussed with his plan. Easy to criticize but facts important!! Who's the zombie?
      48 minutes ago · 
    • Piano Butch I to give a rat's patoot what comes out of the lying mouth or pen of Mitt Romney. His Rhetoric has NEVER been his record and his record is Socialized Medicine and Gay Marriage - try to talk point that.
      45 minutes ago · 
    • Douglas Lang Piano Idiot.. go suck on your Ron Paul sippy cup elsewhere. Romney is a moderate conservative like most of America and he will represent us in that fashion. Obama is a full on socialist unlike most other politicians. He is not the same or even close to the same. So get gone retard. CLICK.
      34 minutes ago · 
    • Piano Butch Douglas - typical adolescent BS from a Romney Zombie. I won't vote for Paul either. I don't give a rat's patoot what comes out of the lying mouth or pen of Mitt Romney. His Rhetoric has NEVER been his record and his record is Socialized Medicine and Gay Marriage - try to talk point that.
      33 minutes ago · 
    • Douglas Lang 
      Piano Butch... you are wrong on your claims for one... but the real point here is that Romney was a conservative in the most liberal state in the union. He was the guy that chose to ran, who loves this country, and who is fighting this evil witch in office. He has my stamp of aproval because I have studied him, met him, witnessed him talk, and etc. It's easy to call any supporter a zombie.. but thats what monday morning quarterbacks do... and thats what you are.
      30 minutes ago · 
    • Piano Butch WRONG on my claims???? What planet do you inhabit. Again, I don't give a rat's patoot what comes out of the lying mouth or pen of Mitt Romney. His Rhetoric has NEVER been his record and his record is Socialized Medicine and Gay Marriage - try to talk point that. - So your talk point is "you are wrong on your claims for one" YOU ARE A LIAR. And LYING is the Romney's campaign specialty.
      27 minutes ago · 
    • Douglas Lang Yes your claims are wrong and LIES! Romney did everything he could to keep Massachusetts from becoming the "Las Vegas of gay marriage," backing a constitutional ban at the state and federal levels.. same thing he supports today. The only thing he supported was that Gays would have the same working rights and hospital visitation rights as everyone else.
      24 minutes ago · 
    • Piano Butch You're the lie, he signed Gay Marriage into law by executive FIAT. AND HE DID author and pass socialized medicine.
      23 minutes ago · 
    • Piano Butch He signed Gay Marriage into law when his own Democratic Majority legislature would not do so! And you claim he was more conservative than them???????????????????????????
      22 minutes ago · 
    • Douglas Lang Romney did not sign gay marriage into law. The MASS SUPREME COURT ordered the law changed. He was legally obliged to follow the courts ruling. He then opted to block the rule. You need to stop getting your information from rumors and get them from facts dumbass.
      18 minutes ago · 
    • Douglas Lang BUTCH LEARN THE FACTS
      WASHINGTON - Ten months into his term as Massachusetts governor, Mitt Romney was abruptly confronted with an emotionally charged issue: The state's highest court ruled that gays had the legal...
      17 minutes ago · 
    • Piano Butch 
      BTW - just a lesson for you Romney Zombies - I placed this same text on hundreds of FB sites this AM and on a email group I run with over 5000 conservative from all walks of life. In two hours time, I have received hundreds of responses and only three people have objected, two of them on this page. Romney is in deep trouble - he will never defeat Obama. If you think that winning a primary by intentional voter suppression can win a general election - you guys are foolish indeed.
      17 minutes ago · 
    • Douglas Lang Except the fact Romney has been climbing in the polls without spending as much as Obama... and no one believes you liar...
      15 minutes ago · 
    • Douglas Lang You had the facts laid out for you and like the liar you are, you dodged them withsome BS that you have sent out 5 million messages... You are a little man with little man syndrome.
      15 minutes ago · 
    • Piano Butch 
      the predominately Democratic legislature approved an amendment that would have banned gay marriage and established civil unions. An initial amendment offered by House Speaker Thomas Finnernan to merely ban gay marriage without a provision for civil unions was narrowly defeated.[77] The compromise amendment needed to be approved in a second constitutional convention to be held a year later before it could appear on a state election ballot. The amendment was voted down in the subsequent convention and never appeared on a ballot put before voters of Massachusetts.
      13 minutes ago · 
    • Douglas Lang Romney had vowed while running in Massachusetts to defend and expand the rights of gays and lesbians, although he opposed same-sex marriage and civil unions. When the court ruled, he initially promised to follow its decision, while also seeking a state constitutional amendment to overturn it.

      But soon he devoted his attention to trying to block the ruling. Among his moves: resurrecting a 90-year-old state law, aimed in part at preventing interracial marriage, to keep same-sex couples from flocking to Massachusetts for weddings.
      WASHINGTON - Ten months into his term as Massachusetts governor, Mitt Romney was abruptly confronted with an emotionally charged issue: The state's highest court ruled that gays had the legal...
      11 minutes ago · 
    • Piano Butch 
      the predominately Democratic legislature approved an amendment that would have banned gay marriage and established civil unions. An initial amendment offered by House Speaker Thomas Finnernan to merely ban gay marriage without a provision for civil unions was narrowly defeated.[77] The compromise amendment needed to be approved in a second constitutional convention to be held a year later before it could appear on a state election ballot. The amendment was voted down in the subsequent convention and never appeared on a ballot put before voters of Massachusetts.
      11 minutes ago · 
    • Douglas Lang Romney had vowed while running in Massachusetts to defend and expand the rights of gays and lesbians, although he opposed same-sex marriage and civil unions. When the court ruled, he initially promised to follow its decision, while also seeking a state constitutional amendment to overturn it.

      But soon he devoted his attention to trying to block the ruling. Among his moves: resurrecting a 90-year-old state law, aimed in part at preventing interracial marriage, to keep same-sex couples from flocking to Massachusetts for weddings.
      WASHINGTON - Ten months into his term as Massachusetts governor, Mitt Romney was abruptly confronted with an emotionally charged issue: The state's highest court ruled that gays had the legal...
      10 minutes ago · 
    • Douglas Lang There ya go butchy.. real proof.. not lies. Romney has always been against gay marriage and there is solid proof of that. The only time he has supported gay rights was to say they deserved the same working rights and hospital visitation rights... The quicker you learn the better. Good bye all. Have a wonderful sabbath day.
      9 minutes ago · 
    • Piano Butch Romney's so called "private equity" firm "rob" employees pension accounts whenever they do a "takeover" of a business. Then they take that money and load that business up with debt to "sink it" and that's how Bain Capital made its millions to the investors. People don't understand this and should. They are placing their trust in this man to run the country when he shouldn't be trusted. - Romney is such a dog of a candidate.
      9 minutes ago · 
    • Piano Butch If people think that Donald Trump made his fortune legitimately, sorry not always. AND Trump has had a lot of failures along the way. He has also B.S. a lot of people which is exactly the way that Romney has done it. The offshore accounts he has should give people a lot of concern.
      8 minutes ago · 
    • Piano Butch 
      If anyone in this group REALLY cares about taking down Obama - you folks have to wake up. Romney can't do it. If you are a National Delegate, please exercise your new found right to exercise the National Convention as a Republic and vote wh...See More
      7 minutes ago · 
    • Douglas Lang lol... Butch gets his ass handed to him with real proof and jumps to the next rumor. The truth is Butch hates Mormons. I have seen his diatribe in another forum where he felt more relaxed. Butch, when Romney is your president you can move to another country...
      7 minutes ago · 
    • Marcia Chimie Piano Butch. Your language used speaks loudly about who you are; only hear name calling from radical liberals; and certainly do not believe so many would agree with you.. Wake up or you surely will have a BIG surprise in November. Romney will be our President and an excellent one!! Done wasting time. A campaign to win!!
      6 minutes ago · 
    • Piano Butch Romney has always SAID he was against Gay Marriage but the RECORD proves different. Just like my initial premise - his rhetoric and NEVER matched his RECORD.
      6 minutes ago · 
    • Douglas Lang Romney is tied with Obama and despite having more money than Obama, has kept going up in the polls, taking CBS, RASMUSSEN, GALLUP polls... Butch, stop getting your information from bias websites... GOODNIGHT ALL...
      5 minutes ago · 
    • Piano Butch He will never beat Obama - A nomination vote for Romney is a vote to insure Obama's second term.
      5 minutes ago · 
    • Douglas Lang BUTCH, the information I just showed you shows Romney has beeing fighting gay marriage and tried everything he legally could in Massachusettes... But you dont want to read facts. You are taking talking points... Anyway, I dont have time to educate some hick who is only going to believe what he wants.... some anti mormon ron paul lover.... Good night all.. Butch will be removed when the moderators get on folks.
      4 minutes ago · 
    • Piano Butch That's just Romney spin - no one is buying it. The FACT IS HE SIGNED the Executive Order - he walked away from the fight.