Wednesday, July 4, 2012

The Human Spirit vs The State

There is a lesson for this day July 4th 2012 to be learned from the heart of a man in the slavery of the Communists in 1981. Czech pianist Ivan Moravec was also head of the Conservatory in Prague, Czechoslovakia. We became friends and it was an unlikely friendship - a young man from Grant Park and the head of the Prague Conservatory. He loved to play a piano I owned, a 9'6" Knabe Grand - one of the first three concert grand pianos built in the U.S. It was manufactured in 1877  (wow that is one hundred and thirty five years ago!!! AND It still plays beautifully!) 

Ivan used to come to my shop with his KGB handlers and then to my home . . . well to my mistress' home. (It was wild times, what can I say - I had bought into the hedonist fantasy . . . and God knows I should have treated her better.) Anyway, the KGB hated me, not as much as I hated them.  At the time I could have taken one of them out and laughed about it. I have no patience for the oppression of humankind. 

Ivan told me one day as I expressed anger at his handlers, "Marion, do not worry. Communism in Czechoslovakia is finished - they are too stupid yet, to know."  

Now picture 1981 and the Cold War mentality (if you are young forget it - you will never have a clue how oppressively that fear was instilled in us.) He saw my eyes narrow and realized I didn't believe him. The thought of 
communism just falling of its own weight made no sense to me. 

He said, "Friend, the chains of the utopian planners is no match for the creative heart and the human spirit filled with faith. They think we are rats in a cage, mere animals, but we are free men who mock their chains. Look at them" He said pointing to this handlers who had taken up positions at the front entrance and rear entrance of my business. "They live empty lives. They scramble for duty like accompanying me and all the other time their lives are drudgery. They would sell their mother's body for a one percent raise in pay." 

  "Here I am, feeling like a rich man because I'm in the company of the concert tuner for a major American symphony orchestra. I'm in his shop, I'm playing his rare and beautiful piano, I'm sipping really, really bad brandy . . . " he laughed hard enough to gain the attention of his KGB handlers.  "You see, here in America, your talent has produced this. You are rewarded for your creativity and hard work.  My talent is used as a propaganda tool, trying to prove to the West that marxist central control creates refined talent. I'm under pressure to be better than Serkin."

I felt bad for him and said, "Ivan, I know they use you for propaganda." 

He motioned me to be silent and said, "I want you to understand why they (motioning to his KGB handlers) are so afraid of our friendship. They will not let my wife travel with me because they think I will defect. But why should I defect, since the Marxist state is so very superior? But here is the life of a valued artists and head of a conservatory under these Soviet dogs. If a key malfunctions on my piano, I put in the proper papers, to the proper official and if I haven't made anyone angry, and if in the line of commissars . . . oh-fficials there isn't some commissar who is an animal and terribly corrupt wanting a pay off, then I may actually see a royal piano technician in six or eight months and when he comes the key may or may not be fixed according to the mood he is in. And the technicians don't like me because they know I know they did not get where they are by talent. Piano technician is a job for a relative of some official - none of them know what they are doing.  I have had to resort to studying the craft myself and maintaining my own piano.  Marion,  don't realize how absolutely wealthy you are!"  That was absolutely true, but by 2012 I'm beginning to realize. One thing for which I may thank Obama. 

Portrait I painted of my mistress who Ivan knew,
in 1983 - who's name shall ever remain secret.
Now, everyday I think of her in my
prayers and say, "Lord Jesus Christ
protect and care for her. And forgive me
for not treating her better. The comfort is knowing
that she is married and happy. "
He explained, "You keep your mistress in an apartment that is like a palace compared to the hovel the state allows for the head of the Prague Conservatory and his wife. We freeze in the winter and sweat in the summer and if we put in a request, and fill out all the proper papers, get them to the proper official, and if we haven't made anyone angry, and if in the line of bureaucrats there is not some one terribly corrupt who wants money or is an animal who wants an afternoon with my lovely wife" I saw that he was not kidding "well she keeps her virtue and we freeze in the winter and sweat in the summer . . . but we are not conquered and we will never be. Trust me when I say, Marxism is finished in Prague, only the idiots don't realize it yet."

That is where we are today with the usurpers that Obama - the man with no past in the White House - has appointed over our lives. He has appointed his Czars - commissars and they are extracting the life blood of our economy and our creativity. NO young man in this economy would be able to create the life I created, of work that was fun . . . . young person did you hear that . . work that was fun and lucrative.  Work that because of talent placed me in the world of University Presidents, Ambassadors, Queens (and I mean the European royal kind - - well and a few of the other variety as well ), American Presidents, and on and on. How did I get there?  An old tuner said to me one day when I was a kid, "See this tuning hammer. It has taken me around the world. I've tuned and played piano on all the big cruise ships and visited all the historic cities in Europe. Son learn to do things - the more you know how to do, the more freedom you can experience. You don't have to live by anyone else's rules."  

This is a Muslim/Marxist Axis that is taking down my country - acting on the part of the New World Order. Sadly it isn't through with Ivan's part of the world either.  I want to thank Ivan for that image. It is exactly what is happening here on the small business level - "if we put in a request, and fill out all the proper papers, get them to the proper official, and if we haven't made anyone angry, and if in the line of officials there isn't some one terribly corrupt who wants money or is an animal who wants an afternoon with my lovely wife"  we are there . . . we are there . . . we are there!  But I have Ivan's words to comfort me, "well she keeps her virtue and we freeze in the winter and sweat in the summer . . . but we are not conquered and we will never be. And Marxism is finished in Prague, only the idiots don't realize it yet."  Ivan - Marxism is finished in America and Canada and Mexico too - we have some surprises waiting for them - things they have never imagined - may God have mercy on their souls. 

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