The Luciferian AttacK on Russian Christianity and its political use in the West by the same Luciferian forces.
Via Ambrose Stapleton from unknown author.
Pussy Riot
No Such Thing as Sacrilege in the West
Western media coverage of the Russian political organization (hardly a musical group) known as "Pussy Riot" has been one of the most distorted news coverages of recent memory. Now that they have been found guilty of hooliganism and sentenced to 2 years in prison, it is worth taking a closer look at actually what happened.
This whole ugly incident has been made to appear in both Western media, and the White House, as having to do with freedom of speech and the right for these young woman to attack the evil Vladimir Putin, seen as a KGB agent who'd like to silence all dissent. That American singer Madonna would come out in full support of Pussy Riot during her recent Moscow concert, has only added to the fuel. Yet is it any wonder that a woman whose whole career has been filled with sacrilegious usage of Christian imagery would now defend her fellow travelers, the Pussy Riot? Can Christians forget that Madonna opened a concert with herself hanging on a cross, in mockery of Christ's holy crucifixion?
This Madonna woman even had the audacity to call the holy Patriarch corrupt. How dare she step foot in Russia, a land whose very soil is filled with the blood of holy martyrs who died under the previous demonic attack on Orthodox Christianity, the Soviets. She is a fellow traveler of a new breed of Christ haters, whose support comes from "informational totalitarianism," the modern, Christianaphobic, Western media.
Most of what we've read about this infamous moment, when the Pussy Riot women ascended the steps leading to the iconostasis, clad in bright clothing and masks, screaming out profane "poetry" and defiling the main cathedral of the Moscow Patriarchate, was reported by Western media as "an attack on Putin". It was not an attack on Putin, but an attack on the Patriarch and the Church.
Wasn't it enough that the people in the streets of Moscow have had to be subjected to profane language delivered with music from the depths of hell, yet the West can not see the need for swift and decisive legal action? Two years in prison for such an act of defilement of Christ the Saviour Cathedral seems hardly sufficient, in my mind, to fit the crime. Better that they should have been sentenced to two years hard labor.
And then there are those who would have us believe (including the Pussy Riot girls, of course), that we should now offer Christian forgiveness. It should be noted that before dancing in Christ the Saviour Cathedral they were in another church and did the same thing, all the while taping their activities. The Church Administration did not call the police, but let them go, asking them to not repeat such things. Pussy Riot took advantage of the Church's kindness and went on to film their filth in Christ the Saviour Cathedral.
As a Christian I believe repentance must come before we receive absolution, and I am praying that two years in a Russian prison will be time sufficient for these young women to take a close look at what they've done, and truly ask forgiveness. I believe the Patriarch himself would come to the prison to hear their confessions and offer holy absolution, if they truly repent. As a Christian I will be praying for these disturbed young women, yet I do not believe letting them off with a light sentence would serve as a warning to others that we must respect the sacred places of everyone. Furthermore, I am quite sure His Holiness Patriarch Kirill has forgiven these young women, but justice must follow course. Civilized societies have laws, and there are consequences for breaking those laws.
Christianity everywhere is being attacked. There is even a movement in the United States to force police and fire chaplains, such as myself, to remove the crosses from our badges, something we will all refuse to do. For too long Christians in the West have sat by in all passivity while symbols of our Christian faith have been mocked and defiled by rock stars and entertainers. We've watched as crosses have been removed from public places and Christ centered prayers forbidden in public places by our courts. Is it any wonder we can't see the justice of the two year sentence that has been handed down in Moscow? Have we even heard what filth was shouted out in the cathedral? Read these words and dare to suggest that this was all about President Putin:
Holy shit, shit, Lord's shit!
Holy shit, shit, Lord's shit!
St. Maria, Virgin, become a feminist...
Patriarch Gundyaev believes in Putin
Bitch, you better believed in God
Madonna said President Vladimir Putin should free the three young female band members from prison and asserted that the Russian Orthodox Church is corrupt, and the Western media ran with it. The Western media totally ignored the real truth that Pussy Riot is simply a publicity-seeking group of "performance artists" who make their living by creating scandals. Would the Western media expect this Madonna woman to suggest President Barack Obama free Americans being tried in an American court? No American president would are try to intervene in an independent court decision, just as President Putin would dare not. The myth that Putin is anything but the strong leader Russia needs at this period in time is just that, a myth.
The truth is, Pussy Riot actually did not say a word against President Putin during their February "punk prayer" at Christ the Savior Cathedral. They just danced feverishly in the cathedral's solea, kicking up their legs, screaming blasphemous profanity and defiling a sacred place for Orthodox Christians. If this defilement had taken place in an American synagogue or in an American Muslim mosque, you can well bet the media and the White House would have responded differently.
If we think this is the end of the attacks on Orthodox Christianity, think again. A bare-chested woman of the Ukrainian feminist group Femen use a chainsaw to cut down an Orthodox cross, erected to the memory of victims of the political repression in Kiev.
I would like to conclude my essay by pointing out that an official statement was issued by the Russian Orthodox Church's High Council, following the sentence: "Casting no doubt on the legitimacy of the court’s decision, we appeal to the public authorities to show mercy, within the law, on the convicted in the hope they will never repeat such blasphemous actions.”
Sunday, August 19, 2012
Friday, August 17, 2012
Jerry Ross - a Romney Zombie and a LIAR.
Jerry Ross, a Romney Zombie came after me on the evening of 8/17/2012 and shamed himself saying " Butch, the last time I read your blog you were defending the Protocols of the Elders of Zion fraud, claiming it was written 30 years earlier... your credibility is near zero."
I will brook being called a lot of things and in this political season the Good Lord knows I have been called a lot of things. But being accused of bigotry against the race of my Lord and Savior, Jesus Christ, I cannot brook.
Anyone knows that to be accused of defending the Protocols of the Elders of Zion fraud, is an accusation of antisemitism, bigotry and hatred. Jerry Ross, SLANDERED ME. I did NOT defend the Protocols, I merely placed them OUTSIDE Jewish contest. Jerry Ross is a Slanderer and a Liar.
Here's news that I am sure Butch will be thrilled to read. This is truly amazing the lengths the Paulbots have resorted to in an effort to derail the Mitt Romney candidacy. I was a county delegate for Mitt in my county GOP convention and I can attest to the strongarm tactics Paulbots used to try and prevent Washington State supporting Mitt in the caucuses. The article say Libertarians, but we know who truly is behind this effort. Remember too that Ron Paul is yet to endorse Mitt's candidacy.
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Luciferian/Illuminati, who at the time controlled Russia, were the power structure of the Russian Orthodox Church, the Vatican and of all of Europe. When you drain "The Protocols" of the anti-semitic code-cover, every word is TRUE."
Now be sure to screen shot this so you can jog your memory and it can be used in my counter suit... The one who deserves the apology is me.
I will brook being called a lot of things and in this political season the Good Lord knows I have been called a lot of things. But being accused of bigotry against the race of my Lord and Savior, Jesus Christ, I cannot brook.
Anyone knows that to be accused of defending the Protocols of the Elders of Zion fraud, is an accusation of antisemitism, bigotry and hatred. Jerry Ross, SLANDERED ME. I did NOT defend the Protocols, I merely placed them OUTSIDE Jewish contest. Jerry Ross is a Slanderer and a Liar.
Here's news that I am sure Butch will be thrilled to read. This is truly amazing the lengths the Paulbots have resorted to in an effort to derail the Mitt Romney candidacy. I was a county delegate for Mitt in my county GOP convention and I can attest to the strongarm tactics Paulbots used to try and prevent Washington State supporting Mitt in the caucuses. The article say Libertarians, but we know who truly is behind this effort. Remember too that Ron Paul is yet to endorse Mitt's candidacy.
3 hours ago · ·
Darryl Postell Butch I agree with you 1000%. Now go cast your vote to save the country - Mitt for president.
2 hours ago · · 2
Piano Butch That vote for the socialist Mitt Romney will NEVER happen. He only had 419 legally bound delegates, but IF he actually does become the nominee then we all are on an express train to Socialist hell, whether Romney or Obama wins.
M A I think Dear Leader is cool! He smokes cigarettes! He knows celebrities! He plays basketball! He's married to the most elegant woman who has ever lived! He can run down the steps of Air Force One without holding to the handrail! Dear Leader is cool!
about an hour ago · · 1
Darryl Postell Penny, that's as good a reason as any; voting for Race got us a commie president, and we are a country that appreciates sexiness for sure.
about an hour ago · · 1
Penny Cantu LOL! i'm totally kidding. but yeah, looks help. i'd much rather Ryan talking on TV than Biden. ugh. he looks like the creepy uncle that gives you candy to sit on his lap.
M A Dear Leader is cool! He has an iPod with all his speeches on it! Dear Leader published not one, but two autobiographies! Dear Leader knows how to dance on Ellen's TV show! Dear Leader knows all the street slang! Dear Leader is cool!
Jerry Ross Penny, I thought the same in 1976 when I interviewed & photographed that young cockroach & shook his hand. I thought he was a pedophile way back then.
about an hour ago · · 1
Jerry Ross Just think what might come out of that knucklehead's mouth were he to serve four more years.
about an hour ago · · 2
Darryl Postell @ Michael, don't forget walks like a pimp. Penny I knew you were kidding; this is what Biden reminds me of: http://
about an hour ago · · 2
Jerry Ross It might take him four years to finally get that southern accent right.
about an hour ago · · 1
Piano Butch Who knows he might even pronounce Paul Ryan the NEXT PRESIDENT OF THESE UNITED STATES.
Penny Cantu Just to show i'm Equal Opportunity Shallow, i voted for McCain because his wife AND sarah palin were hott ;)
about an hour ago · · 1
Penny Cantu doood cindy mccain as the first lady???? yeah, i could totally see the sweatpants walking off airforce 1 with her right??
Jerry Ross Butch, do you spend every waking minute obsessing about a Romney presidency? You need a shrink man...
about an hour ago · · 2
about an hour ago · · 1
about an hour ago · · 1
Penny Cantu ok, meanwhile back on the ranch: what good does this do??? Ron Paul CAN'T be on the ballot. He's not running. So this only ensures that WA can vote for Obama or whoever the douche is in the 3rd party. It makes NOOO sense at all.
Jerry Ross See what you've been missing the past few months Darryl... While you have been battling the africanamerican crowd, I've been fighting the good fight against the likes of Butch & his acolytes.
about an hour ago · · 1
Jerry Ross Penny, I have tried reasoning with Butch over and over, but it is like talking to musk ox.
Jerry Ross And I've had two large glasses of Lambrusco and I still make more sense than Butch.
about an hour ago · · 1
Darryl Postell Butch is not a real person; no one is that hard headed; and this is from a Newt guy.
about an hour ago · · 1
Penny Cantu we won't change anyone's mind on either side. I get it, i do. I line up a lot with the libertarian side but I just don't agree with EVERYTHING they want. the practicality is that a 3rd party win is like watching a unicorn half time show during the superbowl. At least if we have a majority we can undo some of these crippling policies gone in to place. We need to realize the president is a face, Congress and Senate have most of the power here, we just need a man that will smile and sign the papers as they repeal all the crap that was penned into existence through executive order.
about an hour ago · · 1
Jerry Ross Yup, that's it Darryl, try reasoning with that musk ox... now you know what I have been dealing with for the past six months with Butch.
Piano Butch Well I'm very complimented that it take several of you to debate me, except you haven't come close.
Piano Butch Here is what we are dealing with and you like your Buddy Obama are fiddling while the nation burns.
Jerry Ross Wait butch, the judges gave me the round on a knockdown and near fall...
about an hour ago · · 1
Penny Cantu the problem with Ron Paul is his supporters, quoting my amazing husband lol! They are less about practicality and more about principles. I admire that unless it endangers our chances of getting conservative judges appointed or horrible legislation repealed. This is the first time i comment here! lol!
about an hour ago · · 2
Penny Cantu with 3 comments, i'd hardly call it a debate....a spanking maybe, debate not so much
about an hour ago · · 2
Piano Butch Now after you all have had your fun - in the morning when you wake up with a hang over - read what I posted.
about an hour ago · · 1
Jerry Ross Butch, the last time I read your blog you were defending the Protocols of the Elders of Zion fraud, claiming it was written 30 years earlier... your credibility is near zero.
about an hour ago · · 1
Darryl Postell " your buudy Obama"? See I told you all Butch is not a real person - must be a robot?
about an hour ago · · 2
Piano Butch Jerry I will take a lot -but I will not brook pure slander. I will sue you if you don't admit what you just said is a lie.
Penny Cantu I voted for David Vitter JUST to win back a republican seat and try to gain a majority. I'm def not voting Libertarian just so Obama can unite his forces and get another 4 yrs of paid vacations
about an hour ago · · 1
Jerry Ross Darryl, I was beginning to think he is an Obama plant... you know Obummer will resort to any skullduggery.
about an hour ago · · 1
Penny Cantu ooohhhhh a facebook fight! let's see who puts the caps lock on first (nail biting!!)
about an hour ago · · 2
Jerry Ross Unless you decide to delete it, tomorrow if I have time I will dig out your statement about the Protocols.
Jerry Ross Butch, I think you are a bit wound up because the shoe is on the other foot. Usually it is you and your two acolytes trying to gang up on me. Here you see that I am being supported by others with common sense and and understanding of pragmatism....
Darryl Postell Butch, you know I wanna be on your side because I am a Newt guy; but buddy you gotta stop talking so damn crazy. Ha Ha!
about an hour ago · · 1
Piano Butch Jerry, no you didn't - you said that I "defended" the Protocols and that is slander and I'm coming for you unless you admit the lie. I explained the origins - that they were NOT written by Jewish Elders. You claiming that I defended them is a claim of antisemitism and I won't let it drop.
about an hour ago · · 2
Darryl Postell Penny, Derek and are are frequent facebook visitors - nice to make your acquaintence.
about an hour ago · · 1
Jerry Ross Butch, the Protocols were a fraud perpetrated by the Russian secret police... do you not get it?
Penny Cantu i've been trying to grow my business, i tend to lay low but i get wound up from time to time. Derek stays busy enough for the both of us though oy! lol!
about an hour ago · · 1
Piano Butch Actually they were written by Russian Orthodox monks - Now apologize for your accusation of antisemitism.
Piano Butch Honest Jerry this will not end here unless you apologize for your accusation of antisemitism.
M A No inferences should be gathered from my posting of muskoxen poop. It's simply scientific curiosity on my part. I couldn't find any photos of unicorn droppings (for pal, Dave McBlane).
about an hour ago · · 1
Piano Butch I have the screen shot where you said that I "defended" the Protocols - admit that is not true.
Penny Cantu can we read the blog in question? is there a link? i'm curious now
about an hour ago · · 1
Piano Butch What I said about the Protocols is that they were NOT of Jewish origin, which is the opposite of your accusation.
Darryl Postell Jeeze, I was better off fighting stupid liberal africanamerican democrats
about an hour ago · · 1
Piano Butch Jerry - I will give you and every witness here my word - I will not edit anything on my blog posts - I KNOW what I've said. I would NEVER make an antisemitic statement - it is NOT in my character.
M A I don't think anyone here has suffered any loss of reputation that could be proven in a court of law. We're debating politics, for heaven's sake.
about an hour ago · · 1
Piano Butch Sorry Michael - I have the screen shot where Jerry Ross accuse me of "defending" the Protocols of the Elders of Sion - which is an accusation of antisemitism and I WILL NOT let it drop.
Piano Butch Darryl - sorry - I appreciate yout peace making here but that won't work. I will not brook Ross's slander. Unless he is a fool he will say, "Butch, I am sorry, I misspoke."
Penny Cantu I'm waiting on laundry and I'd love to read the blog. really, honestly, i'm a reading dork.
about an hour ago · · 1
Piano Butch Penny - I'm glad to have anyone read it. I remember relating a story given me by my spiritual mentor about the origins of the Protocols and that they were NOT of Jewish origins. I don't remember which article they are in, but I will look and post the link.
Penny Cantu thanks!! i don't know what the Protocols are and my walking encyclopedia is sleeping so I would actually love to read it. thanks :)
Piano Butch But for poor Jerry it isn't over until he apologized for the accusation that I am antisemitic.
Piano Butch
Unlike some people who have to remember the lie they have told - an advantage of being a truth teller is knowing that your expressions are consistent. I haven't yet found the article (I've written hundreds on multiple sites) but it will rel
ate that the Protocols were written by Orthodox Monks who were trying to tell the world about the Cabal that was in control of world events - Some would call it the Illuminati - I call it the Scientistic Dictatorship Elite. They were talking about the Czar and the ruling elite in Europe and used "Jewish elders" as code cover, since they would have been executed for speaking openly about the ruling Elite. That was NO defense of the Protocols of the Elder of Zion - that very sentence is an accusation of antisemitism.
52 minutes ago · · 1
Piano Butch Jerry Ross, my good friend, here is the reference you are getting carpel-tunnel syndrome searching for (I have an index not published) This is (I am 99% sure) my only reference ever in ALL MY LIFE to the Protocols of the Elders of Sion.
...See More
...See More
35 minutes ago · Edited · ·
Piano Butch Come on Jerry Ross Apologize and save yourself a boat load of trouble and money. ASk that Muslim woman in Georgia how slandering me turned out.
Piano Butch Forty minutes now - an eternity in facebook "combat" - are you there Jerry Ross the man who slandered me and accused me of defending the Protocol of the Elders of Zion.
Jerry Ross
As usual Butch, you tried to steer me wrong. The above article is not the correct one. But I did find the correct essay from last month (you have a very short memory it appears). I quote you directly below and stating that the Protocols
is true once again proves my point. You want to sue me, go ahead and I will counter sue and take all you have,
"(1) He read the "The Protocols of the Learned Elders of Zion" and more or less took them at face value - as have many Orthodox Christians in the world. What he failed to grasp is that the Protocols are a forgery, but yet TRUE. This book that came out of the bowels of Czarist Russia, is a coded book of survival wisdom. It uncovers a great conspiracy of wealth and power, which aims to enslave humanity in a New World Order. The Russian Monks who authored this book, in the 1880s dare not speak the truth plainly; they would have been executed, or sent to Siberian Labor Camps. The "Learned Elders of Zion" are actually the Theosophical/Sophian/
"(1) He read the "The Protocols of the Learned Elders of Zion" and more or less took them at face value - as have many Orthodox Christians in the world. What he failed to grasp is that the Protocols are a forgery, but yet TRUE. This book that came out of the bowels of Czarist Russia, is a coded book of survival wisdom. It uncovers a great conspiracy of wealth and power, which aims to enslave humanity in a New World Order. The Russian Monks who authored this book, in the 1880s dare not speak the truth plainly; they would have been executed, or sent to Siberian Labor Camps. The "Learned Elders of Zion" are actually the Theosophical/Sophian/
Luciferian/Illuminati, who at the time controlled Russia, were the power structure of the Russian Orthodox Church, the Vatican and of all of Europe. When you drain "The Protocols" of the anti-semitic code-cover, every word is TRUE."
Now be sure to screen shot this so you can jog your memory and it can be used in my counter suit... The one who deserves the apology is me.
Penny Cantu dude, i hate to break it to you, but we've all been silent. i'm only up to turn my ipad sound off so it stops pinging ever seconds. Thank you for the link, i am saving it and will read it tomorrow. good night all.
Piano Butch How IDIOTIC can you be Jerry Ross - to claim that I defended the the Protocols of the Elders of Zion when I called them A FORGERY.
Piano Butch Quoting myself in the above txt "What he failed to grasp is that the Protocols are a forgery,"
Piano Butch "What he failed to grasp is that the Protocols are a forgery, but yet TRUE. This book that came out of the bowels of Czarist Russia, is a coded book of survival wisdom. It uncovers a great conspiracy of wealth and power, which aims to enslave humanity in a New World Order." I did NOT defend the Protocols - I explained there NOT JEWISH meaning.
Darryl Postell I wish I could help but I understand theosophy not the protocols. I understand that this says Blavaskiites might have written them but it still confuses me after that - sorry, see ya in court guys.
Piano Butch I ended the paragraph saying, "When you drain 'The Protocol' of the anti-semitic code-cover, every word is TRUE." - You are a slanderer, Jerry Ross trying to paint me as antisemitic. Anyone, anyone in the Jewish world knows that the accusation that someone defends the Protocols of the Elders of Zion is an accusation of antisemitism, of bigotry and hate speech. You are a liar and a disgusting man.
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